Prosthodontics is the dental speciality primarily concerned with the restoration and replacement of lost or damaged teeth. Prosthodontics treatment includes removable, fixed, implant supported and prosthesis to improve or alter the function, full mouth rehabilitation.There are many factors that contribute to the loss of teeth. While some lose theirs because of disease, injury, and wear such as grinding and clenching, others are born without certain teeth. Tooth loss creates both functional and aesthetic inconveniences. At times this may result to undesirable facial changes, detrimental effects on chewing ability and consequently, damages on self-esteem and one’s confidence .
If you’re considering full mouth rehabilitation. Smile Evolve Dental Clinic Vashi provides Consultation with one of the trained specialists. The procedure typically takes two to three weeks depending on the case.
Our happy patients with full mouth rehabilitation treatment.Have a look at our patients best See Our Patients Best Positive Results. "Before-And-After Photos".Create an appointment to satisfy with our specialists to discuss full mouth rehabilitation procedure.
Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease. People routinely clean their own teeth by brushing and interdental cleaning and dental hygienists can remove hardened deposits (tartar) not removed by routine cleaning. Those with dentures and natural teeth may supplement their cleaning with a denture cleaner.When we neglect our oral health for a year, we need something wholesome when we finally realize how imp it is. When Oral health is destroyed due to multiple dental problems, ones need to go for Full mouth reconstructions (rehabilitation). It may sound complex but such cases are treated with flawless results and restored the oral function back to normal at Smile Evolve Dental Clinic, as its treatment is planned well and executed by skilled specialists.
We take various factors into consideration such as the patient's primary and secondary problems, their expectations, their existing medical and oral condition and of course their time and budget constraints if any to arrive at the most practical treatment plan for a particular case.
They are of two types: Full and Partial Full Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and which are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.
A removable partial denture (RPD) is for a partially edentulous dental patient who desires to have replacement teeth for functional or aesthetic reasons, and who cannot have a bridge (a fixed partial denture) for any number of reasons, such as a lack of required teeth to serve as support for a bridge (i.e. distal abutments) or due to financial limitations.
The overdenture engages retentive attachments on a metal bar that connects to implants, which are placed into your upper and/or lower jaw. The overdenture, which is removable, is secured to the bar through attachments fabricated directly into the denture.
An interlocking device, one component of which is fixed to an abutment or abutments, and the other is integrated into a removable prosthesis to stabilize and/or retain it.They are designed to retain, support and stabilize the removable partial denture.
It improves esthetics, gives a mechanical advantage of directing forces to the long axis of teeth more apically, acts as a stress breaker and gives cross arch load transfer to the prosthesis.
Vashi: 022-2780 2662 / 9920549676 / 9987738114, Panvel: 99877 38114 / 91671 03114